Conscious Health is a groundbreaking organic scientific nutrition formula
that aims to improve liver health and overall well-being. It has undergone extensive
research and development for 15 years, incorporating potent natural ingredients from reputable global suppliers. By integrating energy frequencies into its components,
Conscious Health claims to optimize holistic wellness by restoring the body’s optimal energy frequencies. The product targets a range of health aspects, including inflammation reduction, improved organ function, and detoxification. It utilizes quantum physics energies,
bio-magnetic fields, and nanotechnology to enhance cellular communication and
activate stem cells for rapid cell regeneration.
The most extraordinary therapeutic and preventive breakthrough in history for the health of the Liver and much beyond.
One of the world’s most advanced organic scientific nutrition formulas based on great purity and potency of natural scientific ingredients – to upgrade and strengthen the health of your liver in the most natural and advanced way! It has taken around 15 years of research and development to make Conscious Health so unique and one of the best products in the world for the Liver and beyond.
Without a really powerful functional liver, you cannot without any doubt improve and reach any real long-term health benefits to any internal organ in the whole body!
Please bear in mind that this highlight information is just a few of all the amazing supercharged active organic ingredients and health benefits of this full broad-spectrum formula. A multitude of our greatest suppliers’ scientific-based ingredients has been created by some of the world’s top Professors, Doctors, Scientists, and Researchers from Japan, South Korea, the USA, Switzerland, and Germany, to name a few.
Conscious Health is charged with 18 stages of a full spectrum of frequencies’ energy and substances which significantly support the body’s natural function to self-treat the following imbalances:
Boost microcirculation
Balance metabolism
Detox all body cells
Revitalize all body cells
Activate liver regeneration
Activate vigorous heart
Promote healthy kidney function
Improve the body’s immune system
Support lung function
Reinforce pancreas function
Support healthy brain function
Anti-visceral fat internal organs
Some highlights to let you understand our intelligent epic super charging processes’ system
In Conscious Health every substance and component in each ingredient is charged with a specific energy frequency to deliver the greatest synergy of holistic vitality wellness. Because we are energy, we vibrate at various frequencies, and so do our cells and DNA. Our frequencies will vary depending on the stressors to which we subject ourselves (e.g., emotional, physical, mental, and chemical). If the optimal speed and spin rotation of our particles are altered, our cells lose their optimal energy frequency, which could promote pathogen and parasite growth or abnormal cell proliferation with the ultimate acceleration of disease.
Every living cell has a specific resonant energy frequency, emitted as electromagnetic energy that can either be potentiated or intercepted. With Conscious Health, we are now able to harness the power of energetic healing by combining our know-how with the purity and potency of our nutraceutical ingredients, and by science with modern high technology, to make all your body cells vigorously healthy so you can enjoy a vital life.
It is very important to know that the human body is a magnificent quantum physics phenomenon. It is an interplay of frequencies with molecules to provide the appropriate information to sustain the negative entropy state we call “homeostasis”. Certain frequencies may cause diseases, like mobile phones, computers, scanner radiation such as X-ray, sun UV, etc., and there is a link between this kind of bad frequency (vibration) and health.
Quantum physics describes the universe as fluctuating fields of energy and matter. When an organ of the body becomes unable to function properly, the necessary equilibrium to sustain health and the resulting deficiency in neurotransmitter electric energy will produce an imbalance. This happens often throughout the body system which may develop into injury or disease.
Conscious Health is supercharged with one of the world’s greatest high-technology quantum physics energies and bio-magnetic fields, to create a vibrational, regenerative and restorative nutraceutical blend. That is why Conscious Health is one of the world’s most epic formulas, because we merge nutraceutical ingredients with quantum physics biofield coherence, and also with bio-magnetics frequencies’ energy, supercharged with different multidimensional advanced cutting-edge processes.
At the same time, we bond nutrients with energy charging, to create a biological new treatment paradigm to achieve vigorous synergetic vitality wellness.
Our experts have discovered that certain regulatory peptides are naturally secreted by the cells of various body tissues in response to cellular damage, to activate adult stem cell conversion. However, this is a very slow process even under the best of circumstances. If the cellular trauma is severe enough, this very mechanism of cell regeneration gets damaged and does not work fast enough or, at worst, not at all!
By utilizing nanotechnology, regulatory peptide-based nanoparticles can be created for use as active ingredients in our products. A unique property of these nanoparticles is that they are very active. Once introduced into the body, nanoparticles re-establish optimal communications between the existing cells and activate adult stem cells of targeted organs to start rapid conversion and replacement of the damaged cells. As these particles are thousands of times smaller than individual cells, these molecules are pro-active and they are naturally present in the human body. They do not cause any side effects or allergies.
Highlights of some benefits
The Key Beyond Purest Liver
The liver is located in the upper right-hand portion of the abdominal cavity, beneath the diaphragm, and on top of the stomach, right kidney, and intestines.
Shaped like a cone, the liver is a dark reddish-brown organ that weighs about 1.5 kg.
2 distinct sources supply blood to the liver, including the following:
The liver holds about one pint (13%) of the body’s blood supply at any given moment. The liver consists of 2 main lobes: the larger right lobe and the left lobe. The left and right lobes are divided by the falciform (“sickle-shaped” in Latin) ligament, which connects the liver to the abdominal wall. Both main lobes are made up of 8 segments that consist of 1,000 lobules (small lobes). These lobules are connected to small ducts (tubes) that connect with larger ducts to form the common hepatic duct. The common hepatic duct transports the bile made by the liver cells to the gallbladder and duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) via the common bile duct.
Functions of the liver
The liver regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile. This helps carry away waste products from the liver. All the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver. The liver processes this blood and breaks down balances, creates the nutrients and also metabolizes drugs into forms that are easier to use for the rest of the body or that are nontoxic. More than 500 vital functions have been identified with the liver. Some of the more well-known functions include the following:
The Liver can be damaged in several ways
Many external factors limit the regulating and purifying action of the liver. If an area is ravaged, the liver regenerates its cells. However, when it is commonly subjected to harmful substances, it cannot fully perform its vital functions.
Poor diet in terms of quality and quantity overloads the liver and makes it “fat”. Eating an overload of carbohydrates will create an accumulation of carbohydrates in the liver. Without physical activity, the liver cannot redistribute the nutrients provided by starches. Being overweight is also a bad liver function factor, to the poor perfusion of liver cells and storage of bad substances.
Tobacco and alcohol also have a direct impact on the functioning of the liver: indeed, the toxins of these substances are difficult to synthesize and evacuate. Excessive drinking of alcohol also increases the fat content of the liver and over time, may interfere with regenerative processes. Medical drugs’ harmful substances can also damage your liver, and your lifestyle can significantly affect your liver health.
The consequences of a damaged Liver
While the liver has regenerative properties, sustained injuries can cause scarring, which in advanced cases may be irreversible and limit the ability of the liver to regenerate.
While advancing liver disease may be an asymptomatic, often elevated liver enzyme and even jaundice can be initial symptoms of liver disease.
Sustained injuries can be caused by viral infections, including hepatitis B or C, or the build-up of fat deposits in the liver cells.
While people often associated cirrhosis of the liver with excess alcohol intake, it is possible to develop cirrhosis without alcohol. A liver that absorbs too bad fats or starchy foods can lead to such diseases. Diabetic conditions are also affected and will escalate the conditions by over-consumption of these types of products.
The liver is a key organ and liver disease affects the entire human body. Between the causes and the manifestation of a disease, the symptoms are often vague. Good liver health implies tobacco and alcohol limitation, and a diverse diet that allows the liver to metabolize a variety of healthy nutrients.
The greatest news is that Conscious Health has real scientifically based ingredients which have solved the unsolved issue of NAFLD, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and ARFLD, alcoholic-related fatty liver disease!
More Widespread Than You Realize
A fatty liver could be the most common disease you have never heard of. At least 1 out of 4 people has it, which has more people than diabetes and arthritis combined. And many of those who have it – may not know they have it -or even what it is! Often this liver disease is mild, but it can lead to more serious health problems.
Now you can control or reverse fatty liver by adding Conscious Health to your daily routine, just once a day, and you will take excellent care of your liver.
What is Fatty Liver?
When too much fat builds up in your liver, that is fatty liver disease. There are two basic types: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and alcoholic-related fatty liver disease (ARFLD), also called alcoholic steatohepatitis. Sometimes, the extra fat can trigger changes that stop your liver from working well. Since your liver filters toxins out of your blood, it can make you very sick.
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
The most common type of fatty liver disease is usually harmless if you have a healthy diet and lifestyle. But for other persons, it will develop into a more severe version called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). That is when your liver gets inflamed, which can lead to cirrhosis (scars on the liver that do not heal) and a greater chance of liver cancer, heart and diabetes diseases, and many other disorders. Experts think NASH is about to become the leading reason for liver transplants. By using Conscious Health, you prevent your liver from all these issues.
Whom Does NAFLD Affect?
Worldwide experts do not fully understand exactly why some people get fatty liver and others do not. But you are more likely if you are overweight or obese; have diabetes, high cholesterol, triglycerides, high blood pressure, hepatitis B & C, and other liver infections; or take certain medications, including steroids or drugs for cancer or heart problems. Most people with this type of fatty liver are middle-aged. But the disease can happen to anyone, even kids.
We allow you to avoid (NAFLD) by taking once per day our epic product Conscious Health.
Alcoholic Related Fatty Liver Disease (ARFLD)
People who drink a lot – more than one drink a day for women and two for men – can get this type of liver disease. Being obese or a woman raises your chances too. It can also occur if you are born with it in your genes.
If you keep drinking, you could go on to have alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure, and higher odds of liver cancer. To avoid the risk of all these diseases, Conscious Health will prevent your liver cells against alcohol toxins. It is probably the best and fastest way to cure a fatty liver and to prevent other liver diseases – to reach synergy vitality wellness.
Most of the time, there are no exact symptoms, like cancer and hypotension. That is why so many people who have it do not realize they do. However, some people may feel pain or pressure in the middle or right side of their belly or are very tired. Sometimes fatty liver and related problems can make you lose your appetite, lose weight, feel tired, weak, more stressed, and feel more anger or frustrated than usual, unbalanced temper, and swollen abdomen and legs (Oedema). To protect yourself against all these symptoms, Conscious Health is the best choice you have ever made to take the greatest care of your Liver.
While playing a major role in various metabolisms including glycogen storage, decomposition of red blood cells, plasma protein synthesis, and hormone production, the liver is the primary detoxification site in our body. Many enzymes and pathways are involved in detoxification which is divided into Phase I and Phase II reactions.
Some key functions of the liver are drainage and reactivation. The detoxification of the liver is crucial for the disposal of fatty substances and toxins and to keep diseases away from this organ. The most common liver diseases are of different natures and origins. They can be caused by infections (especially viral), toxic reasons (including drugs and alcohol), and autoimmune reactions. If these disruptions are not cured, they become chronic and can turn into liver cirrhosis, a degeneration by which the inflamed cells generate fibrosis (scars) and regenerative nodes for functional errors in liver cells. Acidity, gastritis, and stomach cramps are warning signs which indicate that the liver is not well. The same can be said for example if you wake up in the morning with bad breath and a thick tongue, swollen stomach after eating, spots and pimples pop up and the body fat is concentrated between the abdomen and the hips. In all of these cases, it is essential to detox the liver. By using Conscious Health in your daily routine lifestyle, you protect your liver from all these illnesses.
We have added Japanese supercharged unique fermented Ubiquinol Q10, as it triggers ”Mitochondrial Biogenesis” which increases the number of mitochondria in the cells. These are the powerhouses of your cells. Since the ”energy-hungry” organs are your brain and heart, we believe these will benefit greatly from Ubiquinol Q10. When you combine these miraculous nutrients, you are not simply protecting your stem cells, and mitochondria, and ensuring your cells have enough fuel to make energy, but also multiplying the number of power generators in each of your cells and experiencing superior human levels of energy.
Our state-of-the-art epic formula is full of different types of antioxidants and substances to help create optimal cardiovascular system health. Reduced oxidation in vessels and the heart allows and supports cell structures. This provides for greater cardiovascular health and prevents premature aging of the circulatory system.
It is highly beneficial to take Conscious Health to help prevent a healthy person’s risk of cardiovascular disease. People/patients who have high levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) might have an increased risk factor of cardiovascular failure and heart attack.
After three months of intake of Conscious Health, the risk of heart disease and heart attacks are significantly reduced.
A heart attack results in unrepairable damage to the heart’s muscular structures leading to increased risks of heart disease and failure.
With the intake of Conscious Health, the liver’s functions are strengthened and keep the liver highly potent. The liver, with the power supercharged epic ingredients of Conscious Health, will start to produce itself the Follistatin-like 1 (FSTL 1) that strengthens the heart’s muscular structures that are intact. This is to avoid or reduce the risk of further heart diseases and heart attacks. The liver sends the Follistatin-like 1 (FSTL 1) by the blood to the heart resulting in strengthened heart muscles.
Endothelial Cells as “Cardiac Stem Cells”: The Stem Cell Complex supports the health, the replicative capacity, and the functional lifespan of critically important endothelial cells. In a very recent, breakthrough Vanderbilt study, these cells have been discovered to function as cardiac stem cells. Endothelial cells residing in the coronary arteries can function as cardiac stem cells to produce new heart muscle tissue. The heart has long been considered to be an organ without regenerative potential. Conscious Health includes ingredients that help preserve and extend Endothelial Cell health and cellular lifespan and help to delay endothelial cell senescence. Conscious Health also contains ingredients that help produce or enhance Nitric Oxide (NO), which is demonstrated to delay endothelial cell senescence. Conscious Health also contains ingredients that help maintain healthy levels of Homocysteine, which otherwise accelerates Endothelial Cell senescence.
Chronic oxidative stress, a major contributor to aging, accelerates cell senescence, including Stem Cell and Endothelial Cell senescence. It negatively impacts the Stem Cell niche environment. Aging is characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and inflammation, each of which may inhibit normal stem cell function. Chronic oxidative stress, in particular, has emerged as a common feature that limits stem cell maintenance and disrupts function. Chronic oxidative stress is particularly relevant to stem cells because it damages all cellular macromolecules, including DNA. In addition, aging of the organism impairs the function of the stem cell niche and systemic signals, including Chronic inflammation and Chronic oxidative stress. Again, adult stem cells are also limited by the poor micro-environment that builds up as we age (e.g., due to inflammation, and oxidative stress.) Endothelial cells are particularly susceptible to ROS-mediated dysfunction. Not only because of reduced cell viability and increased senescence but also because one of the major endothelium-derived factors that help to protect against atherosclerosis, nitric oxide, is rapidly deactivated by superoxide radicals. Conscious Health includes ingredients that fight Oxidative Stress in really very powerful ways and reduce significantly oxidative stress inside the body and also provide Mitochondrial Health and Function, including the production of Glutathione.
Mitochondria are the powerhouse of mammalian cells and the main source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) associated with oxygen consumption. They also play a strategic role in controlling the fate of cells through regulation. The mitochondrial free radical theory of aging proposes that the progressive mitochondrial dysfunction that occurs with aging results in increased production of ROS, which in turn causes further mitochondrial deterioration and global cellular damage. Mitochondrial function has a profound impact on the aging process. Mitochondrial dysfunction can accelerate aging in mammals. Aging is characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and inflammation, each of which may inhibit normal stem cell function. The Vital Role of Glutathione to Mitochondrial Function and Cellular Lifespan: Mitochondria are exposed to the constant generation of oxidant species, and yet the organelle remains functional due to the existence of an armamentarium of antioxidant defense systems aimed to repair oxidative damage, of which mitochondrial glutathione is of particular relevance. Conscious Health includes these ingredients which promote Mitochondrially targeted Glutathione production to reduce age-associated mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation and help preserve Mitochondrial function and cellular lifespan in synergy holistic vitality.
Conscious Health provides a strong and healthy response to inflammation. Such a response is closely related to Conscious Health’s ability to regenerate healthy tissue and protect from various stressors. Our supercharged epic blend powder demonstrates excellent results stimulating healthy and expedited responses to inflammation.
The beneficiaries of this unique product are not necessarily sick people, but also healthy and active individuals engaged in various sports. Athletics using Conscious Health will benefit well and support a healthy body response to vigorous workouts and potential inflammatory processes.
Conscious Health’s joint support provides nutrients essential for maintaining cartilage, tendon, and ligament connective tissue health. It is clinically shown to improve joint comfort, mobility, and quality of life, it impacts key biochemical markers of connective and skeletal muscle tissue damage and enhances stress resilience following intense resistance exercise. The bio-available epic supercharged science-based ingredients in Conscious Health promotes joint cushioning and lubrication It may help renew cartilage by stimulating chondrocytes (cartilage-producing cells).
Recent scientific studies have advanced the notion of chronic Inflammation as a major risk factor underlying aging (inflammation). Important research has also demonstrated that age-associated inflammation inhibits stem cell function and impairs the function of the stem cell niche environment. Adult stem cells are also limited by the poor micro-environment that builds up as we age (e.g., due to inflammation, and oxidative stress.) In addition, further reinforcing the inter-relationship of multiple aging and longevity pathways, a reduction in inflammation is proposed to be a primary mechanism by which dietary restriction promotes longevity and health span. Conscious Health includes supercharged natural anti-inflammatory ingredients which help to reduce inflammation significantly in the body.
Oxidative stress is microscopic cell damage. You may not feel the effects of oxidative stress until it is too late. Oxidative stress is the microscopic damage to our cells caused by free radicals that disrupt normal function. Researchers have associated oxidative stress with potentially negative effects on the human body. Oxidative stress is inevitable, and it arises from unstable molecules called free radicals. Free radicals have an unsatisfied electron pair, and they roam the body in search of other compounds and molecules from which they can capture electrons to become stable. When free radicals steal electrons from other molecules, the attacked molecule itself becomes a free radical, starting a chain reaction that can damage cells, proteins, and DNA.
Too many damaging free radicals or too few protective antioxidants can wreak havoc on cell membranes, mitochondria, and DNA, leading to tissue damage and a wide range of chronic diseases, including cancer, chronic fatigue, diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. This imbalance of too many free radicals and too few protective antioxidants is called oxidative stress.
Sometimes the body deliberately produces free radicals to neutralize viruses and bacteria. But often they are inadvertently created through external sources such as oxygen, cigarette smoke, junk food, pollution, and radiation. Physical activity or exercise, fast food eating, and even breathing can produce free radicals. No matter where they come from, free radicals violently collide with functioning cells and can damage them to the point, that they no longer work. Oxidative stress has been the subject of tens of thousands of research studies and papers. It has also been linked to hundreds of health conditions. Some of the supercharged science-based ingredients in Conscious Health have the powerful ability to protect cells and significantly reduce oxidative stress from all over the body.
Pre-clinical studies done on Conscious Health show a great reduction of oxidative stress in people taking this product regularly. This data also demonstrated the permeability of Conscious Health’s active compounds through the cell membrane. Once inside, Conscious Health’s derived compounds effectively reduce oxidative stress, protecting macromolecules such as DNA, lipid, and proteins.
Conscious Health saturates your blood with essential nutrition, powerful antioxidants, and with greatest natural substances. Antioxidants are beneficial substances that delay certain types of cell damage, thus improving the health of different body symptoms and supporting the immune system.
In addition, the ingredients in Conscious Health will boost vitamin and mineral levels in your blood. The balance of vitamins and minerals is responsible for supporting almost every function in the body, including the production of healthy tissue, the building of strong bones, and much more. Conscious Health improves your blood’s ability to transfer important minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium to your body’s organs as well. Because Conscious Health improves the health of your bone marrow, your body will be able to generate healthy, good-quality blood faster while taking this supplement.
With Conscious Health you will benefit from improvement in most of the brain’s functions, including memory, learning, concentration, and other brain functions. It promotes the formation of acetylcholine (AC), a vital neurotransmitter compound involved in all key brain functions and mental sharpness, helps speed-cell-to cell communication through neuromuscular optimization, providing enhanced muscular power output and agility for active and athletic individuals, physiological production and maintenance of human growth hormone (HGH) – the body’s master hormone for maintaining youth, vitality, and body composition.
Conscious Health enhances neurite growth and neurogenesis. A neurite refers to any projection from the cell body of a neuron. This structural differentiation is essential for the neuronal signal transmission via NGF, a neurotrophic, which binding and activation of its receptor, TrkA (neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor, type 1), is required for neuronal survival and differentiation. Enhancing neurite growth stimulated in vitro by 6-HITC supports the potential utility of Conscious Health as a beneficial and great supercharged ingredient for brain health.
Nrf2, a protein messenger found in every cell, is referred to as the ”master regulator” of the antioxidant response, modulating the expression of hundreds of genes, including not only the familiar antioxidant enzymes but large numbers of genes that control seemingly disparate processes such as immune and inflammatory responses. As a guardian of healthspan and gatekeeper of species longevity, Nrf2 also plays an essential role in supporting stem cell health.
Soon after Nrf2 was identified, scientific discoveries began to show how Nrf2 also regulates genes involved in the production of a wide range of antioxidant enzymes including SOD, glutathione, catalase, and detoxification or ‘‘stress-response’’ genes. These protective pathways are involved in seemingly unrelated areas of health from immune function to tissue optimization to cognitive function – but they all share the Nrf2 “switch” that enables cells to protect themselves from both internal and external environmental challenges. In effect, Nrf2 activation enables our cells to make their own “medicines” to help us survive – and thrive – in stressful situations. When activated, Nrf2 turns on the production of specific antioxidants the body needs to fight cellular stress effectively. Certain phytochemicals in Conscious Health synergistically activate Nrf2. Turning on Nrf2 creates a cascading effect that results in the production of several very powerful components. These components do a very much better job at combating cellular stress when they are supported by Conscious Health. Several antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione, and catalase are activated through the Nrf2 pathway. Many scientists believe that Nrf2 activation is the “future” of cellular protection and health promotion, this foundation of naturally activating Nrf2 to “solve” the problem of cellular stress is a fundamentally different way of restoring balance in the body; Conscious Health includes these ingredients which are demonstrated to activate Nrf2 in very effective ways.
A variety of the world’s most sophisticated natural substances in Conscious Heath have been shown to activate the Nrf2 genetic pathway. This pathway regulates the production of important molecules that impart antioxidant activity, such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase (SOD). It also regulates the production of detoxification enzymes, including glutathione S-transferase and down-regulates signaling factors such as NF-ϰB.
Nrf2 (NF-E2-Related Factor 2), a transcription factor in humans that is encoded by the NFE2L2 gene, regulates the expression of a set of antioxidants and detoxifying genes, protecting the body from the ravages of oxidative stress-related conditions, including (but not limited to) those affecting the brain and nervous system. In an unstressed state, Nrf2 is anchored in the cytoplasm by its specific inhibitor, Keap1 (Kelch-like ECH-Associated Protein 1). Keap1 functions as a sensor for oxidants and electrophilic xenobiotics. In the presence of any of these substances, Keap1 gives up its inhibition of Nrf2. This action stabilizes Nrf2, allowing it to accumulate in the nucleus and bind to the Antioxidant Response Element (ARE) located in the enhancers of its target genes. Under this circumstance, Nrf2 then up-regulates a variety of antioxidant enzymes and detoxifying proteins.
Conscious Health has a naturally occurring phenolic compound/analog of fermented S-allyl-cysteine that has comparatively better oral bioavailability. It has been shown to possess cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Conscious Health has also been shown to increase the protein and mRNA expression of Nrf2. There is evidence that Nrf2-mediated decrease of oxidative stress and suppression of inflammatory response could be partially responsible for fermented S-allyl-cysteine chemo-preventive effects. Conscious Health’s epic supercharged ingredients have been shown to up-regulate a significant number of genes involved in the mitochondria function, disruption of which is known to result in neurodegenerative disorders and also to modulate cholinergic neurotransmission and improve cognition.
Conscious Health’s array of biological activities stems from its anti-inflammatory activity, antioxidant properties, and induction of phase 2 detoxifying enzymes such as Heme Oxygenase (HO-1). Purification of micro-curcumin yields nano-curcuminoids, demethoxy micro-curcumin (DMC), and bisdemethoxy micro-curcumin (BDMC). DMC has been shown to induce HO-1 more effectively than curcumin. The ability of DMC and BDMC to induce the expression of HO-1 and to translocate Nrf2 to the nucleus of pancreatic beta cells, suggests that they may play a role in cellular defense.
Conscious Health consists of different plants with a broad spectrum of polyphenols which has been shown to induce expression of glutathione S-transferase, glutathione peroxidase, glutamate cysteine ligase, heme-oxygenase-1, and other enzymes, thereby protecting a variety of cells, including cultured neurons, against oxidative stress-induced cell death. Fermented S-allyl-cysteine modulates the redox-sensitive transcription factor, Nrf2, which plays a key role in activating detoxifying enzyme, HO-1, as well as other phase 2 enzymes.
Conscious Health’s Nrf2 Activator is a new approach for increasing antioxidants defenses by transcriptionally increasing the activity of the Nrf2/ARE pathway and activating transcription of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant genes. Micro-curcumin and fermented S-allyl-cysteine have also been shown to have anti-amyloidogenic properties that further increase the effect of this innovative super powerful Conscious Health formula.
By supplying Nrf2 transcription factor activators the internal production of antioxidants. Special enzymes can be facilitated as Conscious Health acts rapidly to reduce free radicals. The effects may be noticeable within hours.
As a strong antioxidant, proanthocyanidin protects from free radicals such as reactive oxygen species, defending your body from free radical damage from such factors as sun exposure, pollution, and stress.
Conscious Health:
Conscious Health’s components interact with the genome (DNA) to regulate gene expression;
Catalase is a “Longevity Determinant Enzyme” and another potent mitochondrially-targeted Antioxidant. Several supercharged epic ingredients in Conscious Health have been shown to increase the activity of Catalase, a major Antioxidant enzyme that not only positively impacts Stem Cell health and functional lifespan but has also been shown in multiple studies to increase both median and maximum lifespan in a mammal model. Conscious Health includes these supercharged ingredients which are demonstrated to increase Catalase and Catalase activity.
Conscious Health has a broad spectrum of different ingredients. One of them is from the olives and the leaves of the olive tree which also contain some of the compounds that are present in extra virgin olive oil, Hydroxytyrosol, its ester called Oleuropein, and Maslinic acid.
Hydroxytyrosol is considered to be one of the most powerful natural antioxidants available to date, better than other antioxidants commonly known and used in industry as Tocopherol (vitamin E, effective against free radicals and prevents against oxidative damage, evaluated by DPPH and ORAC methods).
In different studies hydroxytyrosol has been evaluated to hold a wide variety of potential health benefits:
In different studies, maslinic acid has been proven to hold a wide variety of potential health benefits:
Conscious Health also contains a naturally available Oleuropein, an olive leaf extract with super high purity in Oleuropein. It is obtained from the best raw materials, using only top-quality leaves from olives of French, Spanish, and Italian origin exclusively produced using new-advanced clean techniques in biotechnology. Conscious Health’s Naturally OE is 100 % free of solvents and pesticides. Only water and the purification technology developed by Conscious Health are used for its production.
Oleuropein is recognized for its valuable beneficial properties in preventing cardiovascular damage. The studies prove that much of the beneficial effects of extra virgin olive oil regarding heart health is due to the presence of Oleuropein in its composition.
Cardiovascular benefits of Oleuropein
Conscious Health is easy to take. Just put your daily dose of powder, 16 gr, in 200 ml liquid such as water, juice, etc. in a shaker and shake it very well before use, at least 30 seconds for activating subatomic energy molecules. Drink at least one full glass of water directly afterward.
For best absorption takes Conscious Health 15 minutes after breakfast in the morning. Please note that Conscious Health may not be put in smoothies/electric machines/mixers. However, you may add Conscious Health to a prepared smoothie, and mix the product manually from your shaker into the smoothie.
We firmly believe that Conscious Health is one of the world’s greatest formulas in treating fatty liver in very scientific medicinal effective fast-acting natural ways. Generally, it takes around three months for your liver enzymes such as ALT (alanine transaminase), and AST (aspartate aminotransferase), to be in the normal range again. This clearly shows you how vigorously our multidimensional supercharged our formula is.
Treating a fatty liver has not been possible up until now when we invented our epic Conscious Health! Treating a fatty liver has always been the missing link in medical treatment. Without a really powerful functional liver, you cannot without any doubt improve and reach any real long-term health benefits to any internal organ in the whole body!
To reach synergetic holistic vitality and wellness, you need a really powerful healthy liver. That is why it is very important to treat the liver in a very effective way by using the epic supercharged Conscious Health, with organic purest and potency fermented and cold extraction high-tech science-based ingredients formula.
By taking Conscious Health you rebuild, reinforce and regenerate a really powerful healthy liver. You also take care of all your inside organs by supporting them with the right sources and tools, letting them increase regulating their functionality to improve their overall performance to extend a vital body and mind.
Ingredients and references
Biocell Medic use nano formulations, micro and macro molecules with futuristic full broad spectrum supercharged energy frequencies in several different high-tech processes. Biocell Medic uses this innovative advanced super high-tech in all organic nutraceuticals ingredients to provide ultra-epic purity and potency with high bioavailability in all products. This outstanding unique transformation makes our nutraceuticals become very effective with significantly proactive molecules – the products are unlike any other nutraceuticals in the global market. Our unique advanced discovery in the energy supercharging processes will serve you absolutely the best greatest products beyond all expectations to provide you an exceptional opportunity to reach synergy holistic vitality wellness.
Please find below information of the ingredients in Rejuvenator Core together with references per each ingredient.
1- Dextrin
2- Persimmon Extract
3- Citrus Peel Extract
4- Buckwheat Extract
5- Shilajit Extract
6- Maqui Berry
7- Goji Berry Extract
8- Maca
9- Astragalus Extract
10- Turmeric Extract
11- Artichoke Leaf
12- Beach Rosehip Extract
13- Fermented Garlic
14- Japanese Fermented Q10
15- Cordyceps Sinensis
16- Nettle Powder
17- Vitamin-C
18- Red Beetroot
19- Black Currant
20- Olive Leaf Extract
21- Pure Stevia
”Conscious Health” ultra-ingredient Dextrin Microfibres is very unique because it is mixed from different types and sources. It offers numerous health benefits, including weight loss and toxin cleansing. It is linked to support the liver and heart health, blood sugar, and overall health, promotes healthy intestinal flora, is considered a prebiotic, compounds that feed probiotics, support healthy cholesterol levels, and reduce both ”bad” cholesterol (LDL) and triglyceride levels to support cardiovascular health. Our epic ingredient Dextrin microfibers also relieves occasional constipation, eliminating wastes and variety of toxins in the body, supports healthy blood sugar, provides satiation and healthy weight loss, and supports colon health.
Persimmons supports considerable health and medicinal benefits, which are considered to be related to the various hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidants including phenolic compounds, vitamin C and carotenoids, and also microelements and phenolic compounds, including catechin, epicatechin, rutin, phloridzin, gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, tannic acid, gentisic acid, protocatechuic acid, polyphenols, triterpenoids, minerals and trace elements, tannins, microfibres. All of these nutrients are also super charged with subatomic particles combined with quantum physics biofield frequencies energy that makes this novel form developed to the purest potent significantly higher powerful molecules. The Persimmon also supports potential effects in a wide range of health benefits such as preventing cardiovascular diseases, beneficial effects against diabetes, and also having ability to disease prevention by quenching singlet oxygen and scavenging free radicals. It also offers an exceptionally high level of lutein and zeaxanthin, two forms of beta carotene that accumulate in the retina. These compounds act as antioxidants, protecting against vision loss from age-related macular degeneration.
This exceptional developed epic nutraceutical Persimmon extract contains a natural compound called fisetin, an antioxidant with several brain benefits. Fisetin may enhance long-term memory, prevent neuronal dysfunction, and protect against age-related cognitive decline. It also aids to reduce chronic inflammation.
Citrus Peel Extract (CPE) forms around 40-50% of the total fruit mass but is generally thought to be a waste. However, it is a substantial source of naturally occurring health enhancing compounds, particularly phenolic compounds and carotenoids. Phenolic compounds in CP mainly comprise phenolic acids (primarily caffeic, p-coumaric, ferulic and sinapic acid), flavanones (generally naringin and hesperidin) and polymethoxylated flavones (notably nobiletin and tangeretin). It has also been noted that CPs contain more amounts of these compounds than corresponding edible parts of the fruits.
Phenolic compounds present in CPE act as antioxidants (by either donation of protons or electrons) and protect cells against free radical damage as well as help in reducing the risk of many chronic diseases. Owing to the more abundance of polyphenols in CPs, their antioxidant activity is also higher than other edible fruit parts. Therefore, Conscious Health’s Citrus Peel Extract from citrus fruits is used as sources of functional compounds in our epic formula, that are not only safe but also have very powerful health-promoting activities. Research provides a highlight knowledge about the phenolic composition, antioxidant potential and health benefits of CPE. These phytochemicals are good reducing agents and stabilizers which also possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, antiallergic, oxidative stress, heart protection and anticancer functions. The two novel components naringenin and nobiletin in citrus fruits reduce neurological deficits, brain oedema, and infarct volume and exert strong antioxidant action through the involvement of the Nrf2 signalling pathway.
Conscious Health uses a mix of Buckwheat Extract from leaf and flower and from grain and hull. This unique blend provides several health benefits, and especially when also super charged with Subatomic particles combined with quantum physics biofield frequencies energy. With these different types and stages, we developed these molecules to become significantly higher potent antioxidants. Buckwheat is a nutrient-rich, gluten-free plant source, which may boost heart health, reduce blood pressure, aid weight loss, and help to manage diabetes. It can also help to improve digestion and strengthen the immune system. Its impressive range of proteins, minerals, and antioxidants help in skin and hair health, elimination of gallstones, protection from asthma attacks, and relief from constipation and other intestinal conditions.
Shilajit, also known as the conqueror of mountains and the destroyer of weakness is a natural, tar-like substance found in mountain ranges of Himalaya. Shilajit is popular as a rejuvenating age-old natural
substance that enhances energy, vitality and is potentially helpful in improving various health conditions. As per a recent study, the Conscious Health’s ingredient Shilajit extract will help in maintaining muscle strength and aids connective tissue adaptations. Biocell Medic uses absolutely one of the world’s purest Shilajit extract nutraceutical. The benefits of Conscious Health’s ingredient Shilajit extract have been attributed to the high concentration of 88 minerals, fulvic acid and humic acid in it and of course contains a large number of other nutrients. That is why it is called the powerful destroyer of weakness! This great ingredient is a part of Conscious Health’s formula which we have successfully implemented super charged Subatomic particles combined with purest Shilajit extract micromolecules and merge them
with others exceptional super effective micromolecules into epic ”Conscious Health” chains. This creation makes our Shilajit extract molecules exceptional with purity and potency. We believe that this successful creation has never been achieved before by any other nutraceuticals company around the world. Finally, Shilajit extract strengthens or promotes the health of nearly all tissues of the body and helps slow down aging and prevent disease, and to be revitalizing and restorative. They increase the resistance against cells stress.
Maqui powder provides carbs and fiber, alongside a blend of antioxidants in the form of vitamins and minerals. Research suggests that consumption of Maqui Berry’s anthocyanin antioxidants, called
delphinidins, may boost your defence against certain chronic health conditions.
Maqui Berry also contains higher amounts of antioxidants than the Acai Berry.
It offers widespread benefits for different parts of the body, including the immune, cardiovascular and central nervous systems, due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
It is considered a “functional food” because it is especially high in protective compounds like anthocyanins like delphinidin, flavonoids and ellagic acid, the same types that are found in other superfoods such as blueberries, red wine, pomegranate, currants and cherries.
In fact, certain studies have found that Maqui Berry is even better at defending against oxidative stress than other common berries, such as strawberries, blackberries and blueberries.
Not only does Maqui Berry has antioxidant effects but is thought to possess antidiabetic and antiviral activities. Below is more about some of the main benefits:
may reduce the Onset Cardiovascular disease, may help with symptoms of diabetes, may improve dry eyes, may improve gut microbiota, may help with inflammatory diseases, supports metabolic health, helps maintain healthy skin, may help reduce pain and arthritis symptoms.
Goji Berry Extract are high antioxidant potential fruits which alleviate oxidative stress to support many health protective benefits such as preventing free radicals from damaging DNA, lipids, and proteins. Therefore, the aim of the review was to focus on the bioactive compounds and pharmacological properties of Goji Berries including their molecular mechanisms of action. The health benefits of Goji Berries include enhancing hemopoiesis, anti-radiation, anti-aging, anti-cancer, improvement of immunity, and antioxidation. There is a better protection through synergistic and additive effects in fruits and herbal products from a complex mixture of phytochemicals when compared to one single phytochemical.
Goji Berries have been used to increase longevity and for the benefits to liver, kidney, and vision since ancient times. Conscious Health’s epic nutrient Goji Berry Extract has the ability to protect your cells against stress. It is a real stress-combating nutritional powerhouse! Our special super charged Subatomic particles frequency energy makes this nutrient to be an extremely concentrated and potent goji extract that magnifies this ancient berry’s many benefits.
Our water-based extraction high technology process removes most of the goji’s blood-sugar-spiking simple sugars while concentrating immune-boosting polysaccharides, antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and trace minerals. This makes Conscious Health’s goji berry ingredient to be a more powerful extract. It is one of Conscious Health’s ingredients we used for mood stabilizing and for ”brainwave” calibrating. Our epic Conscious Health is a concentrated “happiness” formula with serious benefits for mood, energy and focus. It recharges your body and brain with a diverse array of highly concentrated nutrients without excess carbs. It supports tress resilience: A true adaptogen. Conscious Health’s ultra-ingredient Goji Berry Extract provides your body the cellular nutrition it needs to thrive amidst stressors.
Immune-health: provides a rich source of immune-strengthening polysaccharides.
Beauty + Anti-aging + skin, liver and eye health: contains a high-level concentration of polyphenols and the highly protective red-orange pigment-antioxidant-carotenoid-in-one zeaxanthin.
Conscious Health’s Goji Berry Extract has immuno-stimulant properties to help your immune system. It helps double the activity of white blood cells to protect against any invader in your body. It also improves quality of life (sports performance, sleep quality, sense of good health, mood and tranquillity), helps restore your cells and DNA, and is great for liver protection against toxicity from carbon tetrachloride.
Maca is known by its scientific name, Lepidium meyenii, and is a type of cruciferous vegetable native to the Andes of Peru. Maca has a similar appearance and size as radishes or turnips with green tops and roots that range in colour from yellow to purple and black. Maca is an adaptogenic herb. Something that all adaptogens have in common is that they can help the body manage environmental stress. Adaptogens have long been used in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine, but they are experiencing a renaissance in the West.
What Maca adaptogen may do is to help stimulate the body’s stress protection system by balancing the body’s hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis. The HPA axis is responsible for how the central nervous system and hormone systems respond to stress. When we feel stressed, cortisol levels
go up. But scientific studies show consuming Maca can help keep cortisol levels from rising – to manage your daily stress. The benefits of Conscious Health’s ultra-ingredient Maca are many. Here we will present a few of them; helps the body to manage stress, may help with depression, may lead to increased energy, may help with symptoms of Perimenopause and Menopause, benefits your bones, may boost Libido, may help with Male and Female Fertility, rich in antioxidants.
The great benefit of cold extraction Astragalus extract in Conscious Health, is that it has a better absorption of secondary plant metabolites.
Astragalus root is rich in polysaccharides, saponins such as astragalosides and flavonoids. Therefore, it is suitable for lactic acid fermentation, as the bioavailability of the active substances is significantly increased. The flavonoids are broken down into smaller active antioxidant molecules by cold extraction.
The SOD-like substances are not destroyed in the digestive tract as is the case with oral ingestion of superoxide dismutase (SOD). These antioxidants have a similar function to SOD.
The Paraprobiotic effect
Cold extraction Astragalus contains paraprobiotics with similar health-promoting benefits as live probiotic strains. This is due to the high bioavailability and rapid absorption in the small intestine.
Nature’s Intelligence
The big benefit of our exceptional cold extraction process of Astragalus is that the natural matrix of the plant is preserved. Together with the high bioavailability of the active substances, this ingredient is much safer than those that only offer the pure, isolated form of cycloastragenol or calycosin.
The Astragalus plant contains many other intelligent substances that are highly beneficial to the body, also in their best absorbable form through our advanced innovative cold extraction. It is the synergy of secondary plant metabolites in their best absorbable form that plays an important role for health.
Cycloastragenol is an aglycone of astragalosides I-VII and traces of cycloastragenol are found in natural astragalus. Astragalosides IV is considered to be the main component for standardization of astragalus root.
The content of the active component calycosin is also several times higher after our unique cold extraction of Astragalus.
Astragalus is a noticeable geroprotector. Telomere support is in the picture when it comes to slowing the aging rate and the onset of age-related diseases. Telomere length is a biological clock that determines the lifespan of a cell. Oxidative stress accelerates telomere shortening, which can be compensated by telomerase.
Cycloastragenol (CAG) is currently one of the few substances known to activate telomerase in humans. Calycosin (CA), the major flavonoid of Astragalus, is a potent antioxidant that protects telomeres from oxidative damage. The synergistic protection of CAG and CA against telomere shortening makes Astragalus a promising candidate for geroprotection.
Cycloastragenol is a potent telomerase activator in neuronal cells: Implications for depression management. Neurosignals. 2014;22:52–63
Tumeric, the tuberous yellow-orange rhizome of Curcuma longa, is widely used in Indian and Asian cuisine. Since ancient times, Turmeric has been used in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese and Japanese and South Korean medicine to treat inflammation, pain and digestive disorders, just to name a few.
Conscious Health’s Turmeric, the “golden herb”, has been super activated by our advanced cold extraction. Enhanced Curcumin bioavailability by innovative cold extraction – proven with the gold standard for intestinal absorption!
Curcumin from our unique cold extraction Turmeric powder is absolutely much more bioavailable than Curcumin from other Turmeric powder on the market, when subjected to the in-vitro MDCK gold standard for intestinal absorption.
Enrichment in phenolic compounds by advanced cold extraction – during the controlled cold extraction of Turmeric powder, the content of readily absorbable phenolic compounds increases significantly with a consequent increased antioxidant activity. Approved by clinical research.
Paraprobiotic effect
Our epic Turmeric extract contains paraprobiotics with similar health-promoting benefits as live probiotic strains.
Nature’s Intelligence
The great advantage of cold extraction Turmeric is that the natural matrix of the plant has been preserved. Together with the high bioavailability of the active substances, this ingredient is much safer than those who only offer high standardizations on Curcumin.
The Turmeric plant contains many other intelligent substances in addition to the curcuminoids that are highly beneficial to the body, also in their best absorbable form via unique cold extraction. It is the synergy of secondary plant metabolites in their best absorbable form that plays an important role in the health benefits. As Turmeric and its active constituents are fat soluble, the exceptional Turmeric ingredient in Conscious Health use of novel delivery system LipiSperse®, dramatically increases the dispersion of lipophilic ingredients in these aqueous environments, and therefore increases absorption levels. Poor or inadequate absorption robs the body from maximising the positive benefits Curcumin has to offer. Repulsive forces between the particles prevent agglomeration or aggregation: allowing to have proper particle dispersion, Curcumin can now disperse freely. Bioavailability is increased due to the increased surface area of the free curcuminoids. Proper dispersion offers advantages in absorption.
Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) Leaf is one of the few herbal remedies were the clinical and experimental trials have complemented each other. Both experimental and clinical effects have been verified through extensive biomedical herbal remedy research. Specifically, antioxidant, choleretic, hepatoprotective, bile-enhancing and lipid-lowering effects have been demonstrated, which corresponded with its historical use. Ongoing research seems to indicate that Artichoke indeed has medicinal qualities. Most significant appears to be its beneficial effect on the liver. The Artichoke Leaf has demonstrated an ability to protect the liver, with possibly even to help liver cells regenerate. Conscious Health’s ultra-ingredient Artichoke has all the benefits of Artichokes in a concentrated form.
The scientific name for Artichokes is Cynara cardunculus, which references to one of the most important compounds within Artichokes: Cynarin. Cynarin is the primary ingredient responsible for many of the cognitive benefits. The extract works well with forskolin, and the two are usually included together when constructing a nootropic stack.
Artichokes also belong to a group of plants called adaptogens, or non-toxic plants that help the body resist chemical, physical, and biological stress. Conscious Health’s ultra-ingredient Artichoke offers a wide range of benefits. Let’s start by looking at some of the nootropic benefits. By taking Conscious Health, which contains the greatest epic innovative developed ingredient Artichoke, will benefit your memory. Many nootropics offer the ability to support memory, but our Conscious Health’s advanced Artichoke has the ability to target specific areas of the memory. It will be able to help with short-term memory and may also help with memory consolidation (transferring short-term memories to long-term). At the same time, it could help with memory recall, or the ability to remember specific things when called upon. Conscious Health’s specifically designed and created Artichoke plays a role in all of these aspects, which makes it a new valuable nootropic.
The benefits of Beach Rosehips go beyond what you have imagined them to be. They are rich in vitamin C and bioactive compounds like phenols, lycopene, and ellagic acid. These false fruits of wild rose plants are used in traditional medicine, and their benefits have been extensively researched.
The fruit has a number of uses. Primarily, it has its use in preventing a number of ailments – some of those include osteoarthritis and stomach ailments. It can also be used as a diuretic and mild laxative. The fruit is also used to reduce thirst and other types of gastric inflammation. Beach Rosehips’ benefits are many and the reason that they are so popular is because they are highly effective in treating a wide variety of health conditions such as: may help prevent cancer and other chronic diseases, can lower cholesterol, additional vitamin C benefits, help prevent rheumatoid arthritis, can help manage diabetes, cardio protective, treat inflammation, aid digestion, regulate blood pressure, improve skin health, enhance blood circulation, improve kidney health.
Fermented Garlic is obtained from fresh garlic (Allium sativum L.) which has been triple fermented for a certain period. This technological process takes months and takes place under controlled humidity levels at various pre-programmed temperatures. Certain substances disappear, e.g., certain aromatic substances, while other substances are produced. This strengthens the medicinal properties of the plant and softens the odour. The colour becomes dark brown due to the Maillard reaction.
Our fermented Garlic is a good source of vitamins and minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids with a formation of unique water-soluble sulphur compounds. During the fermentation process of Garlic, unique water-soluble sulphur compounds such as S-allyl cysteine (SAC) and S-allyl mercaptocysteine (SMAC) are produced with much better bioavailability than compounds in conventional garlic such as allicin. SAC is a very stable molecule, unlike the highly unstable active ingredient allicin. It is important to choose a fermented Garlic highly standardized on SAC content since many scientific studies point to the important health effects of this compound. SAC is considered an important chemical marker for the effectiveness of Garlic. Our Fermented Garlic has a very high SAC content of at least 10 mg of SAC (S-allyl cysteine) per gram, which is one of the highest levels of SAC to be OBTAINED NATURALLY. This is due to the unique, triple fermentation process and the quality and variety of the Garlic.
Substantial increase in antioxidant capacity
The fermentation process forms powerful new substances and also significantly increases the antioxidant capacity of Garlic. The fermentation process also transforms the polyphenols and flavonoids of Garlic. These active substances are cut into smaller pieces making them much more bioavailable. These transformed flavonoids are often called SOD-like substances because they have an antioxidant property similar to that of SOD (superoxide dismutase). They are very stable, which is a huge advantage for efficacy.
SAC IS AN IMPORTANT PROPERTY FOR THE THERAPEUTIC VALUE OF FERMENTED GARLIC. SAC or S-allyl cysteine is a water-soluble sulphur compound that is odourless and stable. It is easily absorbed by the intestine. Several studies confirm the antioxidant properties of Garlic and S-allyl cysteine. The mechanisms observed include:
Ubiquinol is the active form of Japanese fermented Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and plays a key role in producing the cellular energy your organs need to keep functioning – for example, cellular energy is what makes your heart pump. A lamp is powered by electricity. A car is powered by gas. Your heart and other organs are powered by cellular energy from mitochondria. Ubiquinol fermented CoQ10 is critical for vital organs.
All tissues in humans possess CoQ10, but there are great differences in concentration. The heart muscle has the highest concentration, followed by the liver, kidney, spleen and pancreas. CoQ10 is found in concentrated quantities inside the cell’s organelles, especially within the Golgi bodies and mitochondria. Within the mitochondria, CoQ10 is utilized in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. More than 90% of the energy from our cells is produced from the aerobic respiration that takes place in the mitochondria. CoQ10 facilitates electron transfer within this inner membrane for the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the usable unit of energy.
Coenzyme Q10 is also naturally present in the cell membranes. Another function of CoQ10 is to make sure the cells’ plasma membranes remain flexible. The fluidity of the membranes is crucial to proper physical performance since membrane fluidity affects membrane receptors, carriers and enzymes.
When it comes to achieving optimal results from CoQ10, how much you absorb is of critical importance. Recently published studies conclusively show that higher CoQ10 blood levels provide far greater benefits.
The largest Japanese producer of CoQ10 has patented a novel form of Coenzyme Q10 that increases human blood levels up to 8-times more efficiently than expensive, higher-absorption CoQ10 products offered by commercial companies, and potentially 10 times more effectively than standard CoQ10. This unique Japanese fermented form we use in our Conscious Health formula. What also makes this novel form of CoQ10 so much more effective than CoQ10 supplements on the market today is its ability to remain biologically active in the body much longer.
The superior absorption and ability to remain bioavailable over a greater sustained period of time may account for the unprecedented anti-senescent effects observed with new Japanese Ubiquinol compared to other of CoQ10 called Ubiquinone which is very much cheaper and also have very bad bioavailability.
In what may be the most profound anti-senescent discovery ever made about a dietary supplement, scientists have demonstrated that this novel form of fermented CoQ10 is vastly superior with scientific evidence-based research.
Our Conscious Health’s epic formula uses only the novel Japanese fermented Ubiquinol which gives the most scientifically based health benefits. CoQ10 is a crucial component in the cellular energy production cycle. It is naturally produced in all cells of the human body and has been studied extensively for more than 40 years. CoQ10 plays a crucial role in the production of cellular ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which provides energy to all cell functions.
Fermented Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that has great importance as a free radical scavenger. CoQ10 protects the stability of the cell membrane, protects DNA from free radical induced oxidative damage, and helps recycle Vitamin E. The human body gradually loses its ability to synthesize CoQ10 as we age. Research indicates that supplementation with CoQ10 may support normal heart function, protect DNA from free radical induced oxidative damage, and maintain healthy energy levels and has shown very powerful longevity.
Cordyceps is used to treat coughs, chronic bronchitis, respiratory disorders, kidney disorders, night-time urination, male sexual problems, anemia, irregular heartbeat, high cholesterol, liver disorders, dizziness, weakness, ringing in the ears, unwanted weight loss, and opium addiction.
It is also used for strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and improving liver function in people with hepatitis B.
Conscious Health’s use Cordyceps Sinensis in the formula as a stimulant, a tonic, and an “adaptogen,” which is used to increase energy, enhance stamina, and reduce fatigue. Cordyceps Sinensis might improve immunity by stimulating cells and specific chemicals in the immune system. It may also have activity against cancer cells and may shrink tumor size, particularly with lung or skin cancers. It also has many health benefits such as increases athletic performance, may reduce kidney damage caused by side effects from synthetic medicine in older people, may reduce asthma symptoms in adults, may improve sex drive in people with low sex drive.
Nettle Leaf is an herb that is known for its medicinal properties. It improves several health aspects like heart issues, gut health, immunity development, kidney function enhancement, allergy reduction, UTI treatment and arthritis pain. It is a powerful blood purifier that drives out toxins from the body, making it the perfect addition to your daily routine to stay healthy. The herb has antibacterial, antifungal, astringent, and anti-inflammation properties. What is more, it is rich in vitamins A, B, C, and K, along with containing carotene and iron. Due to its medicinal properties and contents, Nettle powder can have many health benefits such as: Keeps blood sugar and blood pressure levels in check, may alleviates pain, soothes allergies and skin irritation, protects kidney, urinary, and prostate health, strengthens the bones, boosts the immune system. Nettle Leaf makes it an ideal detoxifier for the body, and it has been known
to gently cleanse the body of toxins. Nettle Leaf has several active components that affect feminine health. It has long been known as a diuretic and has been therapeutically used for urinary ailments and kidney stones.
Nettle Leaf is a potentially stimulant and rubefacient substance, making it effective against various inflammatory conditions. It has also been connected to the complementary treatment of a variety of respiratory conditions, including hay fever, asthma, and other seasonal allergies. Also, certain extract combinations from stinging nettle can significantly reduce allergic reactions. It may soothe ulcers and
Conscious Health’s formula uses super charged Vitamin C to deliver this powerful antioxidant directly to the body cells. Super charged Vitamin C plays a vital role in maintaining optimal health. In fact, it is critical for the development, growth, and repair of all your body’s tissues. Here are some of the key reasons Vitamin C is so beneficial to your health, especially for those with autoimmune issues. Vitamin C can support your body in scooping up damaging free radicals from toxic chemicals and pollutants that can lead to serious health conditions as well as premature aging. Collagen boost, the glue that holds your body together, is necessary for a healthy gut, hair, skin, nails, bones and joints among many other things. Your body requires Vitamin C for the synthesis of this crucial peptide.
Vitamin C supports your body in fending off macular degeneration, a key factor in vision loss. These are just a few key roles supercharged Vitamin C plays in your health. It also aids in the optimal absorption of iron, supports wound healing, and augments the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth. It prevents the oxidation of cholesterol in the bloodstream, supercharged Vitamin C improves lung function and can help decrease inflammation within the airways, providing a positive effect in lessening the symptoms of asthma and respiratory tract infections. It also helps to regulate the damaging effects of high blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes and heart disease. It also helps the body produce collagen, L-carnitine, and some neurotransmitters. It acts as a super antioxidant, helps remove unwanted substances known as reactive oxidative species (ROS) from the body. It also helps the body absorb iron and enhances wound healing. When our stress levels are at an all-time high, like during a global health crisis, our bodies can get run down. It is so crucial for our bodies to be highly efficient at absorbing the vitamins and minerals we ingest. That is why we decided to use Vitamin C as ingredient in our formula and supercharged it with full broad spectrum energy frequencies to make this great ingredient become a very potent antioxidant. This powerful Conscious Health formula will help you maximize the absorption of Vitamin C to better support your immune system and prevent premature aging and let your body achieve synergy holistic vitality wellness.
Red Beetroot powder is a bioavailable source of several bioactive phenolic compounds like epicatechin, rutin, caffeic acid, etc., which are powerful antioxidants. It protects against oxidative damage to cell membranes and DNA. It helps in scavenging free radicals and thus shows a fantastic antioxidant property. Red Beetroot contains nitrates which get converted into nitric oxide in the body following a series of biochemical reactions. Nitric oxide helps to relax and dilate the blood vessels and thus reduce blood pressure containing nitrate and eventually relaxing the blood vessels and improve the oxygen supply and
enhance stamina. Red Beetroot has many health benefits such as: It boosts your brainpower, may reduce inflammation and prevent cancer. Red Beetroot contains betalain – betaxanthis and betacyanin – another bioavailable and bioactive compound that is responsible for preventing cell proliferation and the development of malignant tumors. It may improve liver health by reduce inflammation, protect the liver from oxidative stress, and reduce the risk of liver damage. Red Beetroot is rich in photochemical that has a positive impact on regulating blood glucose and insulin level it is good for controlling blood sugar level. It may help to fix erectile dysfunction and also is great for skin health.
Conscious Health’s fantastic ingredient Black Currant Berry is a rich source of antioxidants polyphenols. The Berries also possess anti-diabetic, anticancer, and antispasmodic properties, and can combat many viral infections and boosts memory. There is an array of benefits Black Current offers for the eyes and skin too. Conscious Health’s epic Black Currant Extract helps in managing acute and chronic conditions as well. Our ultra-potent Black Currant Extract contains unique quercetin derivatives. These active molecules also contribute to the anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antiseptic effects. The amazing extracts supports the body cells power life to manage a variety of disorders, including cancer. Conscious Health’s epic ingredient Black Currant Extract shows positive effects on heart, brain and kidney diseases, and protect digestive, circulatory, nervous, and excretory systems. It may also induce arthritis, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and neurodegenerative disorders. This super extreme powerful extract rich in anthocyanins are class of polyphenols predominantly, and this extract has the ability to suppress the activation of proinflammatory components in the immune system, These molecules target specialized cells like macrophages. This prevents several chronically inflammatory disorders from worsening. Our advanced innovative bioactive ingredient has a rich polyphenol reserve. Chlorogenic acid, cryptochlorogenic acid, and neochlorogenic acid are the predominant phenolic acids. Anthocyanins include delphinidin-3-O-rutinoside, and cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside, petunidin-3-O-rutinoside. Flavonoids derivatives of quercetin, myricetin rutin, kaempferol, and aureusidin have also been identified. The best way to utilize the properties of these bioactive molecules is to daily consume our epic nutraceuticals Conscious Health formula which is also super charged subatomic particles frequency energy combined with these amazing molecules, making our ingredients go beyond all expectations.
The powerful and health-boosting benefits of Conscious Health’s Olive Leaf Extract, is a super concentrated potent dose of the nutrients in olive tree leaves. It is a potent source of antioxidants that support your immune system. By fighting cell damage that causes disease, antioxidants work to reduce your risk of many illnesses. However, research shows that this activity in Olive Leaf Extract may contribute to a range of other health benefits. The antioxidants in Olive Leaf Extract are mainly polyphenols. Biocell-Medic believes these plant-based nutrients play a role in preventing conditions like cognitive decline, cancer, and osteoporosis. Conscious Health’s Olive Leaf Extract also contains uniquely powerful polyphenols such as oleuropein and maslinic acid. Studies show that in addition to its antioxidant activity, oleuropein and maslinic acid has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antimicrobial effects. These properties point to research-backed health benefits such as:
Conscious Health’s Olive Leaf Extract improves cardiovascular vitality and helps prevent LDL (bad) cholesterol from building up in your arteries. This effect helps increase blood flow and lower blood pressure, reducing your risk of heart disease and is very effective in helping restore a normal heartbeat in those with arrhythmia. The antioxidants in our Olive Leaves Extract may lower blood sugar and help stabilize it to maintain healthy levels. Researchers found that Olive Leaf Extract has effect in helping treat people with diabetes type II and may prevent you from developing the disease. It may reduce your body’s insulin resistance, one of the biggest risk factors for diabetes.
Conscious Health’s Olive Leaf Extract supports your body to fight chronic diseases, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. This is also due to oleuropein’s and maslinic acid ability to attack and neutralize viruses and bacteria and different types of pathogens.
Conscious Health’s Stevia Leaf Extract is absolutely one of the world purest. It is full of health benefits such as ability to aid in weight loss, lower blood pressure, control diabetes, prevent certain forms of cancer, protect oral health, build strong bones, and skincare.
This green leafy herbal plant has 3 different substances; glycosides, mainly stevioside and rebaudioside are the active compounds responsible for its sweetness. Along with all the health benefits mentioned above Conscious Health’s purest Stevia Leaf Extract is also possesses anti-diarrheal, anti-hyperglycemic, antihypertensive, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and immune-modulatory actions. Conscious Health use this great purest Stevia Leaf Extract for both health benefits and for its natural taste.
Liver and blood lipids
Conscious health showing major change with the erythrocytes rouleax formation. This can be observed using a Olympus microscope with darkfield illumination technology.
Kornet Chewan, Metn, Al Bayada, Street #7B, Rawabi, Block B.
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The statements refer to the information about our products, ingredients, and formula, and may not be in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006 or other provisions in force in your country. No guarantees are made for the effectiveness of any products mentioned in this website. The products sold on this site have speculative benefits and could have side effects. This is true of any dietary supplement or over the counter product. Because the human body reacts differently to supplements for different people, just as prescription medications could, essentially, we not warrant the accuracy of the information or guarantee the claims, benefits or safety of specific products sold. Content on our website is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition or to substitute advice given by medical practitioners, pharmacists or other licensed health care professionals. You should contact your health care provider immediately if you suspect that you have any medical problem. Always consult your physician before taking Food Supplements, especially if you are taking medication, have an existing medical condition or are due to undergo surgery. You should not take food supplements as a substitute for a varied balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle. Not suitable for pregnant or lactating women unless directed by a physician.
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International customers agree to be sure of the following and must accept these terms: all rules of Customs and clearance to receive our products are the sole responsibility of the customer. We are not responsible and cannot be held liable for packages which are confiscated by Customs, or misuse of the products. We will not replace any items seized by the customs department of any country. All items shipped to countries are shipped totally at the risk of the customer, and will not necessarily be reimbursed or replaced if the items are lost, stolen, or confiscated. We reserve the right to add insurance to any order being shipped to protect the interests of both, ourselves and the consumer. Thanks for understanding. It is very important to know that these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
For extra ensuring, the product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for proscription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise, or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any pharmaceutical product without first consulting your prescribing physician.
For extra securing, the information in this website is intended for healthcare professionals and agencies and in a non-commercial context only. By continuing, you acknowledge that the information should never be used in communication for targeting consumers.
The vendors and producers of a finished products, ingredients, and formula, are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of their countries before the finished product is sold.