
Biocell Medic presents BODYGUARD, an innovative and advanced Anti-Hangover formula unlike any other on the market. It took 11 years of research to develop this high-tech product, which supports brain and organ health after alcohol consumption. BODYGUARD reduces hangover symptoms like headache and fatigue, improves sleep quality, and stabilizes mood. It protects against alcohol-induced cell damage, inflammation, and oxidative stress, while balancing brain waves. The formula breaks down toxic by-products of alcohol and replenishes depleted nutrients.
By using BODYGUARD, you can minimize the negative effects of alcohol on your body and mind.

Biocell Medic presents absolutely one of the world most sophisticated advanced innovative Anti-Hangover formula, called BODYGUARD. We firmly believe that you have never heard or used a product like this before. It has taken over 11 years of research and development to create this futuristic high-tech epic product, which definitely is unlike any other product on the global market.

BODYGUARD, our ultra-epic Anti-Hangover formula, supports and protects the health of your brain and your internal organs after alcohol consumption! Our unique formula acts in full broad spectrum different pathways such as it quick fixes a real defence against alcohol cells damages, by activating body repair and recovery processes like anti-inflammatory, anti-oedema and has powerful antioxidants against oxidative stress and increases oxygenation and further recovers and restores the brain waves to be re-balanced. BODYGUARD reduces pounding headache, muscular fatigue, stomach pain, irritability, and improves sleep quality and will also improve “feel good” senses. It promotes relaxation by reducing stress and anxiety levels after drinking alcohol and helps to stabilize your mood and does not let you feel drowsy. You will wake up fresh and re-balanced! Please read on to learn of ALL BODYGUARD’s amazing health effects. 


A hangover is a group of unpleasant signs and symptoms that can develop after drinking too much alcohol. As if feeling awful are not bad enough, frequent hangovers are also associated with poor performance and the risk of mood imbalances. 


As a general rule, the more alcohol you drink, the more likely you are to have a hangover the next day. But there are no ways to know about how much alcohol your body can tolerate or to tell how much you can safely drink and still avoid a hangover because every human has their own genetic body constitution and health history. If you choose to drink alcohol, please do so responsibly! We strongly recommend that you use Biocell Medic’s BODYGUARD Anti-Hangover to professionally help you avoid hangover symptoms and to support and protect the health of your brain and your internal organs after alcohol consumption.


Hangover symptoms typically begin when your alcohol content in your blood drops significantly and is low or near zero. The symptoms are usually in full effect the morning after a night of drinking. Depending on what and how much you drank, you may notice:

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Excessive thirst and dry mouth
  • Headaches and muscle aches
  • Nausea, vomiting or stomach pain
  • Poor or decreased sleep
  • Increased sensitivity to light and sound
  • Dizziness 
  • Shakiness
  • Decreased ability to concentrate
  • Mood disturbances, such as depression, anxiety and irritability
  • Rapid heartbeat


The culprits are Acetaldehyde and Formaldehyde

Acetaldehyde, a metabolite of ethanol (i.e., alcohol) is eventually excreted from the body as acetic acid. But before it is converted to acetic acid, acetaldehyde contributes to the symptoms of a hangover. We know that genetic factors play a role in the breakdown of alcohol, which is why hangover symptoms vary from person to person. Many people of Asiatic origin for example, are easier affected by alcohol consumption because nature has dealt them a very slow acting version of aldehyde dehydrogenase, the enzyme that normally degrades acetaldehyde. 


There is, however, more to a hangover than just acetaldehyde. Dehydration plays an important role, as does hypoglycaemia, which can happen due to alcohol causing sugar to be lost in the urine. But in all likelihood, the greatest contributor to the hangover is methanol, another fermented product found in alcoholic beverages, luckily in small amounts because methanol is highly toxic. Like its ethanol partner, methanol is metabolized by the same enzymes as ethanol. The only difference is that this time formaldehyde is formed instead of acetaldehyde. But it too can produce the hangover symptoms.


Why does this usually happen the morning after?

Because the enzymes* prefer to work on ethanol instead of methanol. Only when all the ethanol has been metabolized, do they switch to methanol. Biocell Medic’s epic anti-hangover formula BODYGUARD shows that there are several different pathways to cure hangover such as by breaking down methanol and capturing methanol by absorption into a specific component and driving the methanol out of the body through the urine. This is just one of many pathways’ showings how ultra-epic BODYGUARD Anti-Hangover formula works to eliminate the hangover symptoms. 

*Please find extra information about the enzymes that breaks down alcohol at the end of this document.

Alcohol-induced hangover is defined by a series of symptoms and is the most commonly reported consequence of excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol hangovers contribute to workplace absence, impaired job performance, reduced productivity, poor academic achievement, and may compromise potentially dangerous daily activities such as driving a car or operating heavy machinery. These socio-economic consequences and health risks of alcohol hangover are much higher when compared to various common diseases and other health risk factors. The alcohol hangover develops when blood alcohol concentration (BAC) falls considerably and peaks when it returns to almost zero. The alcohol hangover may last up to 24 hours and sometimes much more. Besides a feeling of general misery, several symptoms characterize the alcohol hangover including headache, tiredness, concentration problems, thirst, dizziness, nausea, cognitive impairment, and mood changes.


Biocell Medic’s pioneering experts have finally found a real solution for hangover issues. It has taken over 11 years of research and development to create absolutely one of the world’s most sophisticated innovative science-based formula. Our cutting-edge super charging high technology system makes all the difference from everything existing on the global market. We are pioneers on knowhow of this entire energy charging and have structured the vitality key by cracking the code for polarity of positive and negative ions of every cell membrane in all of the human body cells, from internal organs to the brain cells. This high technology created new and unique energy molecules with very remarkable superpower – the ability to be absorbed directly into the cells’ core and into the mitochondria, the powerhouses within cells. This success is possible due to our epic super charging frequencies energy system! This breakthrough was at the forefront of the new field of targeted molecules, which we now know is vital for the cellular health revolution. 

As pioneers’ experts on this new field, we continuously work to have the widest positive benefits to the human vital health. As the results of our
BODYGUARD Anti-Hangover became evident, Biocell Medic released this ultra-epic anti-hangover product so anyone can reach vigorous health benefits without causing negative impact on the internal organs or negative effects on the brain.


So how does it actually work? Essentially, BODYGUARD Anti-Hangover accelerates the breakdown of alcohol’s most toxic by-product –acetaldehyde – by replenishing nutrients depleted through alcohol consumption. 

BODYGUARD Anti-Hangover actually limits the amount of damage done to your body by drinking, meaning it can be incorporated into a long-term effort to be healthier – and smarter – when it comes to alcohol consumption. Just as you should not stay in the sun without applying sunscreen, you should be thinking about ways to reduce associated risks if you choose to drink alcoholic beverages.


Please bear in mind that alcohol is damaging from the first glass. If one chooses to drink, one should take measures to protect the body and mind from it. There is no way to make drinking healthy. However, there are ways to make it less unhealthy, thanks to Biocell Medic’s epic super charged science-based Anti-Hangover formula BODYGUARD. The super charged ingredients work together to reduce inflammation while boosting liver function, supporting the immune system and brain function, as well as helping to maintain normal energy levels. BODYGUARD Anti-Hangover is a real Game-Changer. If you want a functional product that keeps what it promises, the only answer is this futuristic high-tech quantum physics biofield and bio magnetics frequencies energy super charged BODYGUARD formula. It offers absolutely one of the world’s best revolutionary and most advanced innovative bioactive compounds Anti-Hangover formula ever made!


Highlight information about BODYGUARD Anti-Hangover
Biocell Medic uses for the first time in nutraceutical world history the developed combination between two novel terminology of nutraceutical and high-tech super charged quantum physics biofield and bio magnetics frequencies’ energy. Each science-based ingredient is super charged with subatomic particles and different unique specific frequency energy, to have a higher accuracy and precision to maximizing potency and effectiveness of each ingredients to secure their vigorous performances and effects. This means that every molecule of each ingredient is covered with a specific sub molecule energy frequency to reach the target site with maximum level of powerful energy efficiency and to balance the brain waves and also for high bioavailability of nutrients. BODYGUARD Anti-Hangover science-based ingredients work simultaneously at different levels such as bioavailability, detoxification and prevention of internal organs and brain alcohol damages. At the same time BODYGUARD stimulates the blood circulation and hydrates the body cells. BODYGUARD is also a very powerful antioxidant against oxidative stress and acts as an anti-inflammatory. It further balances the brain waves. This is the first time in nutraceutical Anti-Hangover world, thanks to our state-of-the-art cutting-edge high-tech processes systems.


Highlight information about Brain Waves and Alcohol
Your brain is a busy place. When you drink alcohol, you put your brain under very tough circumstances and that makes your brain waves unbalanced which leads to many unexpected changes such as insomnia, headache, light and sound sensitivity, dizziness etc. 


Brain waves are, essentially, the evidence of electrical activity produced by your brain. When a group of neurons sends a burst of electrical pulses to another group of neurons, it creates a wave-like pattern. These waves are measured in speed cycles per second, which we describe as Hertz (Hz). Depending on how awake and alert you are, the waves might be very fast, or they might be very slow. They can and will change, based on what you are doing and how you are feeling. When you drink alcohol, you are disturbing all the brain wave patterns. That is why BODYGUARD Anti-Hangover is one of its kind. This is thanks to the fact that our innovative intelligence super charging bioactive processes work very effective in multiple dimension stages of accuracy and precision, which gives a specific energy frequency for each brain wave to act very swiftly to recover and restore the brain waves to be re-balanced. Every brain wave has a specific role; Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta.



The fastest brain waves are waves known as Gamma waves. These brain waves, which admittedly can be hard to measure accurately with current technology, are proof that your brain is working hard, processing information and looking for solutions to problems.


What are Gamma brain waves?

Picture yourself deeply immersed in a complex project or fascinated by a lecture from a noted subject matter expert. You are alert and highly focused. You may even be sitting on the edge of your seat. Your brain is, as the old expression goes, firing on all cylinders. When this happens, your brain is producing gamma brain waves. Gamma brain waves are the fastest brain waves produced inside your brain. If a doctor were to put electrodes on your head and hook them up to a machine to graph the resulting electrical activity — a process known as an electroencephalogram (EEG) — the waves would be at a very high frequency. Gamma waves tend to measure above 35 Hz — and in fact, they can oscillate as fast as 100 Hz. However, they can be hard to measure accurately with existing EEG technology. In the future, researchers hope to discover more information about how these brain waves work.


What are the benefits of Gamma waves? 

Gamma waves are evidence that you have achieved peak concentration. In other words, when you are intensely focused and your brain is very actively engaged in solving a problem, this is when your brain is likely producing Gamma waves. They help you process information. Research suggests that people with learning difficulties or impaired mental processing may not produce as many Gamma waves.


How are Gamma waves different to other brain waves? 

Think of brain waves as a spectrum that range from very fast to very slow. Gamma waves appear at the fast end of the spectrum. Besides fast-moving Gamma waves, your brain also produces the following types of brain waves.



If your doctor evaluates your brain with an EEG while you are awake, alert, and engaged, the predominant waves will be Beta waves. These waves tend to measure in the 12 to 38 Hz range.



When you are awake but feeling quiet and contemplative, that is when Alpha waves tend to rise to the occasion. Alpha brain waves are situated in the middle of the spectrum of brain waves. They tend to measure between 8 and 12 Hz.



Theta waves are the brain waves that occur in the 3 to 8 Hz range. They can occur when you are sleeping, but they tend to be more dominant when you are deeply relaxed or in a meditative state.



Deep dreamless sleep produces a type of brain wave known as the Delta wave. These waves are low and slow. An EEG would measure these waves in the 0.5 and 4 Hz range.

That is why it is very important to keep your brain waves balanced. By using BODYGUARD Anti-Hangover, you will prevent yourself from unnecessary and uncomfortable hangover symptoms.


Avoid drinks with Congeners!

Through the process of ethanol fermentation, sugars are converted into carbon dioxide and ethanol, also known as alcohol. Congeners are toxic chemical by-products that are also formed in small amounts during this process. Different alcoholic beverages contain varying amounts. We have found that consuming drinks high in congeners could increase the frequency and severity of hangovers. Congeners may also slow the metabolism of alcohol, which can prolong your symptoms. Drinks that are low in congeners include vodka, gin, and champagne. Meanwhile, tequila, whiskey, and cognac are all high in congeners, with bourbon whiskey containing the most. Those drinking high congener bourbon experienced worse hangovers than those drinking low congener vodka.


What are congeners?

A spirits manufacturer produces congeners during the fermentation or distillation process.

During this process, a spirit’s producer will convert sugars into alcohol using different strains of yeasts. The yeasts convert sugars to ethyl alcohol, also known as ethanol.


But ethanol is not the only by-product of the fermentation process. Congeners are there, too. The amount of congeners the manufacturer produces can depend upon the original sugar, or carbohydrate, sources used to make alcohol. Examples include cereal grains for beer or grapes for wine. Researchers currently think congeners can give beverages a certain taste and flavour. Some manufacturers even test the amount of congeners to make sure their product has a consistent taste profile.


Examples of congeners the distillation process makes include:

  • acids
  • alcohols, such as isobutylene alcohol, which smells sweet
  • aldehydes, such as acetaldehyde, which often has a fruity smell, present in Bourbons and Whiskeys
  • esters
  • ketones


The amount of congeners present in alcohol can vary. As a general rule, the more distilled a spirit is, the lower the congeners. According to an article in the journal Alcohol and Alcoholism, the following drinks contains the most to the least congeners:

  • High congeners: Brandy, Bourbon, Red wine
  • Medium congeners: Whiskey, White wine, Rosé wine
  • Low congeners: Vodka, Gin, Champagne, light colour Beer.

Just a bit of information about how dangerous it is to drink alcohol without protection. The metabolism of alcohol generates reactive forms of oxygen (oxygen radicals) that are toxic to cells by damaging proteins DNA and lipids. Thus, high doses alcohol can cause an acute cell death or necrosis. Necrosis occurs when a cell is damaged traumatically, for example when the cell membrane is destroyed. 


Health Benefits of BODYGUARD Anti-Hangover

  • Supports strong anti-inflammatory benefits and acts as powerful antioxidant
  • Balances brain waves significantly and makes your mind stable to help you maintain your normal daily routine with “feelgood” feelings 
  • Optimizes the function of the body’s detox systems 
  • Hepatoprotection, prevents oxidative stress-induced liver injuries
  • Promotes a healthy blood circulation of the body and brain 
  • Supports Memory preservation, especially protection of brain functions and brain cells from alcohol damages and prevents alcohol from having intoxicating effects on the brain
  • Supports healthy immune function through JNK signalling pathways to promote the survival of white blood cells 
  • Helps in the prevention of muscle stiffness from de-hydration
  • Helps relieve acute inflammation, headache and stomach pain, decreases inflammation in the digestive system after consuming alcohol
  • Contributes to a healthy liver function 
  • Decreases blood lipid 
  • Relives morning sickness and bad mood feelings such as irritability, worry, fears and also dizziness and weakness which is often consequences of intoxication from alcohol intakes
  • Neuroprotective effects, defends the Central Nervous System against injury  
  • Super powerful antioxidants, the level of GHS, antioxidant defence, increases, and the level of ROS, oxidative stress causing aging and disease, decreases.  
  • Prevents gastrointestinal issues from cell damage due to alcohol
  • Prevents cardiovascular health by neutralizing the oxidative damage to the arteries from alcohol damages
  • Increases oxygenation by stimulation of nitric oxide (NO)
  • Prevents platelet stickiness and blood clots from alcohol intake 
  • Reduces anxiety and stress 
  • Induces a good feeling of relaxation without causing sedation or drowsiness
  • Delivers attention-promoting properties
  • Improves the sleep quality (deeper sleep)
  • Helps with fatigue due to adaptogenic properties
  • Helps reduce symptoms of depression
  • Reduces physical and mental fatigue  
  • Helps protect against insulin resistance during and after intake of alcohol
  • Regulates blood glucose and elevates sodium levels, which help to increase muscle cells’ uptake of water, leading to quicker rehydration
  • Improves the breathing function by decreasing respiratory distress
  • Helps enhance cardiorespiratory endurance
  • Supports healthy kidney function by preventing kidney stones
  • Combats effectively inflammatory processes by helping to prevent injuries associated with alcohol abuse during and after intakes
  • Boosts up your brain health to recover from hangover rapidly
  • Is packed with over 80 minerals and electrolytes which help to regulate fluid levels in the body, to prevent against dehydration!


PLEASE Always remember these 5 rules:

  • Don’t drink a large quantity of alcohol, drink responsibly!
  • Don’t drink on an empty stomach! 
  • Drink at least one unit of fresh water between each alcohol drink! 
  • Don’t drink and drive or use other vehicles!
  • Always use BODYGUARD Anti-Hangover to protect your brain and your internal organs after alcohol consumption!


BODYGUARD Anti-Hangover is the greatest solution for you to avoid all the negative hangover symptoms and enjoy life as you wish. It is really your true Guardian Angel – looking after the health of your brain and your internal organs, re-balancing your body after alcohol consumption!


*Extra highlight information about Enzymes that break down Alcohol: 

Alcohol is metabolized by several processes or pathways. The most common of these pathways involves two enzymes—alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). These enzymes help break apart the alcohol molecule, making it possible to eliminate it from the body. 


First, ADH metabolizes alcohol to acetaldehyde, a highly toxic substance and known carcinogen. Then, in a second step, acetaldehyde is further metabolized down to another, less active by-product called acetate, which then is broken down into water and carbon dioxide for easy elimination. 


Other enzymes such as enzymes cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) and catalase also break down alcohol to acetaldehyde. However, CYP2E1 is only active after a person has consumed large amounts of alcohol, and catalase metabolizes only a small fraction of alcohol in the body. Small amounts of alcohol are also removed by interacting with fatty acids to form compounds called fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs). These compounds have been shown to contribute to damages to the liver and pancreas.

Liver protection

Protecting your liver during alcohol consumption is a one of the key features of the product bodyguard.

See our other products


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